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- Sasha
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Last year brought more twists and turns than I could have imagined!
On 1 January 2024, I wrote: ‘I’m not going to risk making any predictions for 2024, but I am prepared to say with absolute certainty that there will be high profile events happening this year, that I believe - regardless of their radio silence to date, will be too hot for the press to ignore (including the General Medical Council (GMC) application to exclude me from Dr Jindal’s FtP hearing).’
I fought tooth and nail - at significant personal financial cost - for my right to attend the relisted hearing last September, but although the GMC withdrew their unmerited exclusion application, #DrPrashantJindal’s legal team quickly followed up with their own, shockingly encouraged to do so by a biased Chair, after she made made an error in law at a preliminary hearing in July!
There were THREE preliminary hearings concerning me, before it was eventually and rightly decided that I could attend on 31 September.
However, the hearing was once again delayed due to Machiavellian tactics employed by Jindal’s criminal barrister, Talbir Singh.
Throughout the three weeks of the hearing, he submitted numerous applications to have me excluded (not forgetting the ludicrous ‘Jim Cook’ emails), ultimately leading to the disappointing recusal of the Chair, Stephen Gowland, on 24 October. This came after Singh threatened to withdraw from the case if I remained present, alleging that he felt ‘uncomfortable working in a threatening environment.’*
Had the entire panel recused, it would have meant starting all over again - for the third time! Thankfully, after reviewing submissions from the GMC and Jindal’s legal representatives, the MPTS decided that the hearing will continue, with a new Chair, and the two remaining panel members.
The hearing is listed to reconvene on 2 June 2025, for three weeks - unless Singh finds another way to derail it!
Predictably, the #TwistedFncks have already retaliated, intensifying their online attacks against me and anyone involved in this case. They’ve created more highly defamatory fake social media accounts, using stock images - proven through reverse image searches 😆
Meanwhile, to all damaged patients, their families and friends, and those who support us in various ways, I wish you a Happy New Year and the best 2025 possible!
And to everyone else, I wish you what you deserve, because the clock is ticking, and the truth will out, it’s just taking longer than anticipated 👀
*Read here (where you can also make a much appreciated donation to my costs 🙏):
Last Edit:01 Jan 2025 14:20
by Sasha
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- Sasha
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My posts and comments on Linkedin can’t be read unless you’re a member.
Anyone can sign up for a free account, with no need to post, but allowing you access to plenty of interesting discussions 👀
Anyone can sign up for a free account, with no need to post, but allowing you access to plenty of interesting discussions 👀
Last Edit:23 Mar 2024 16:47
by Sasha
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- Sasha
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A quick post to mention my Zoom meeting with John McDonnell this morning - the ONLY MP who is genuinely concerned with the scandal of the unregulated refractive surgery industry, supporting me and MBEFoundation for the last 12 years, while my own MP, Theresa Villiers, won’t even reply to my emails after being lobbied by General Medical Council chair Carrie MacEwen when she was president of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth).
Working on my iPad this was not the most successful screenshot I’ve ever taken, but the content of our discussion was far more important, with the #notfitforpurpose General Medical Council (GMC) top of the agenda!
I’ll update you with the latest news about me and the GMC very soon 👀
Working on my iPad this was not the most successful screenshot I’ve ever taken, but the content of our discussion was far more important, with the #notfitforpurpose General Medical Council (GMC) top of the agenda!
I’ll update you with the latest news about me and the GMC very soon 👀
Last Edit:01 Jan 2025 14:21
by Sasha
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- admin
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I’m not going to risk making any predictions for 2024, but I am prepared to say with absolute certainty that there will be high profile events happening this year, that I believe - regardless of their radio silence to date, will be too hot for the press to ignore (including the General Medical Council’s application to exclude me from Dr Prashant Jindal’s FtP hearing).
Hopefully press coverage will in turn force the government to explain why they are ignoring the refractive surgery scandal, that is not only ruining people’s lives, but costing the country untold millions in NHS aftercare and unemployment benefits.
And as I wrote in 2023, to all damaged patients, their families and friends, and those who support us in various ways (especially John McDonnell MP), I wish you a Happy New Year and the best 2024 possible!
And to everyone else, I wish you what you deserve 👀
Excerpts from previous NYD posts…
1 January 2020: 'I am confident that 2020 will ultimately be OUR year… with two good reasons for my prediction tucked in my pocket until I am able to publish - one hopefully by the end of February or March...'
1 January 2021:
‘Unfortunately last year didn’t quite go the way I'd expected - in more ways than one, but there is good news on the horizon…’
1 January 2022:
‘If interested in reading more about the above, scroll back to read the earlier NYD posts in full - and consider 2022 the new 2020, at least so far as this industry is concerned!’
1 January 2023:
‘Things yet again not going quite the way in 2022 as so many of us expected, not least due to the extraordinary outcome of Dr #PrashantJindal’s FtP hearing, when the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel members incredibly recused themselves, absurdly blaming me for their unprecedented decision, astonishingly supported by #notfitforpurpose General Medical Council (GMC)’s legal team (FtP hearing relisted in September with new panel), story to be continued soon!’
by admin
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- admin
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Enjoyable visit to Aston University on Saturday, when I was impressed by both content and delivery of presentations by specialists discussing dry eye disease 
Being aware of much of the info (unfortunately thanks to laser eye surgery) I was however reminded of the importance to blink frequently and apply eye drops, especially when staring at a computer screen for hours - as my dry eye specialist scolds me for not doing often enough!*
Acknowledged as world expert in his field members suffering with dry eyes have participated in Professor James Wolffsohn's research studies, and I usually post details of these when appropriate in the private MBEF Facebook group.
* Helpful 'MyDryEye' app free to download from the App store.

Being aware of much of the info (unfortunately thanks to laser eye surgery) I was however reminded of the importance to blink frequently and apply eye drops, especially when staring at a computer screen for hours - as my dry eye specialist scolds me for not doing often enough!*
Acknowledged as world expert in his field members suffering with dry eyes have participated in Professor James Wolffsohn's research studies, and I usually post details of these when appropriate in the private MBEF Facebook group.
* Helpful 'MyDryEye' app free to download from the App store.
Last Edit:21 Nov 2023 09:35
by admin
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- admin
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Sent to me by an #mbefoundation member damaged by Refractive Lens Exchange surgery (aka Natural Lens Replacement), his online conversation with Pi, a 'personal intelligence’ chatbot 
On this occasion at least, Pi appears to be more reliable than the misnomered Trustpilot review site!
However, when the same questions were repeated, Pi then said it hadn’t heard of Optical Express Medical Director Dr David Teenan.
There are no doubt thousands of people who wish they had also never heard of him, as I have spoken with many hundreds of his damaged patients who've contacted me for help over the years!

On this occasion at least, Pi appears to be more reliable than the misnomered Trustpilot review site!
However, when the same questions were repeated, Pi then said it hadn’t heard of Optical Express Medical Director Dr David Teenan.
There are no doubt thousands of people who wish they had also never heard of him, as I have spoken with many hundreds of his damaged patients who've contacted me for help over the years!
Last Edit:21 Nov 2023 09:37
by admin
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- g1402
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A new video has been posted by OE online (have copied link) and it’s now looking like that they are saying that having Laser Eye Surgery can now help migraines sufferers!!
Although she doesn’t say this in the video, she says she used to get alot of migraines before having the surgery and since having the surgery she can’t remember the last time she had one!
Has this been proven that surgery helps with migraines, absolutely not!!!! So people please don’t think that if you suffer with migraines that having surgery will help! 😡
Although she doesn’t say this in the video, she says she used to get alot of migraines before having the surgery and since having the surgery she can’t remember the last time she had one!
Has this been proven that surgery helps with migraines, absolutely not!!!! So people please don’t think that if you suffer with migraines that having surgery will help! 😡
by g1402
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- Sasha
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The Care Quality Commission and Healthcare Improvement Scotland ratings for Optical Express are horrifying, and truly make me feel physically sick!
'Optical Express clinic on Corporation Street, Birmingham which treats people suffering from cataracts, has received the highest possible rating of ‘outstanding’ in a spectacular review following a visit from the Care and Quality Commission (CQC). In a glowing report, inspectors said: “Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, and took account of their individual needs.”'
'Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) has rated four Optical Express surgery clinics in Scotland as ‘Exceptional’ following recent inspections. The Optical Express clinics in Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness offer a range of clinical eye care services to patients including laser eye surgery, cataract surgery and lens replacement surgery. Of the three domains of rating, each of the clinics were awarded three ‘Exceptional’ ratings, the highest ratings available, by the Scottish regulator.Optical Express’ Scottish clinics received the spectacular review after visits from HIS earlier this year. In one of the glowing reports, a patient involved in the inspection of the Aberdeen clinic remarked that “The team had a good balance of professionalism and treated me like a valued friend.”’
"Noelle Hannan, Glasgow Clinic Registered Manager and Clinical Director [& Tweedle’s wife], said: “I am very proud that our clinic in Glasgow has been recognised in this way by HIS and rated ‘Exceptional’. This is a massive achievement for us and it wouldn’t be possible without all the hard work from our multi-disciplinary team who demonstrate energy and enthusiasm whilst ensuring the very high standards we adhere to are fulfilled. I’m proud to be part of a team that is modelling best practice, and I know first-hand that our patients are grateful for the first rate service and outcomes they receive.”’ [ROTFLMAO!]
Circled in yellow in the background poster, mental health nurse, Georgia Lee, was a recipient of the Thanks A Million scam (1); under the guise of benevolancy, OE sickeningly used the 2017 terrorist attacks to circumvent the Information Commissioner's Office’s enforcement re spam texts (2).
The corrupt company even published a picture of ‘winner' Laura Newman on Instagram - who is in fact Stephen Hannan’s cousin and OE employee, fraudulently claiming she’d won free laser surgery (3)!
And not the first time they’ve posed staff as customers in promotional photos!
(3) (7 Dec 2019)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) have chosen to totally ignore the many thousands of people damaged by Optical Express, whose eyes and lives are permanently ruined! Not forgetting the cost to the NHS, burdened with providing expensive aftercare.
They disgust me, along with every other organisation claiming to protect the public, instead rewarding and promoting the companies responsible for causing so much devastation and pain to people's lives!
Representatives from both regulators are invited to Bad Eye Day Lobby at the House of Commons on 17 April, when they can hear first hand accounts from people they are supposed to protect!
If government ministers (and allegedly a few CQC employees fed by David Moulsdale) stopped taking backhanders and bothered to address this scandal, it's not a difficult task to collate the numbers of damaged refractive surgery patients turning to the NHS, as I discussed at a meeting with Moorfields Eye Hospital CEO and MD in September 2018.
They eventually agreed to this, but their successors, Martin Kuper and Louisa Wickham, have refused to engage with me, Dr Kuper not even having the courtesy to reply to any of my emails.
As for Louisa Wickham, whom I’ve met on four occasions over the years, when accompanying MBEF clients to their NHS consultations, she is fully aware of the problems caused by the unregulated refractive industry.
The first time we met, Louisa gave me permission to quote her stating that she would not risk having laser eye surgery because her eyes are too valuable.
Now in a position to help, why is she not doing so?
Tweedledum|Stephen Hannan not so pretty in Pink, Dr David Teenan in Lime, Dr Sajjad Mughal in Orange.
#blindedonthehighstreet #stormsasha
'Optical Express clinic on Corporation Street, Birmingham which treats people suffering from cataracts, has received the highest possible rating of ‘outstanding’ in a spectacular review following a visit from the Care and Quality Commission (CQC). In a glowing report, inspectors said: “Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, and took account of their individual needs.”'
'Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) has rated four Optical Express surgery clinics in Scotland as ‘Exceptional’ following recent inspections. The Optical Express clinics in Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness offer a range of clinical eye care services to patients including laser eye surgery, cataract surgery and lens replacement surgery. Of the three domains of rating, each of the clinics were awarded three ‘Exceptional’ ratings, the highest ratings available, by the Scottish regulator.Optical Express’ Scottish clinics received the spectacular review after visits from HIS earlier this year. In one of the glowing reports, a patient involved in the inspection of the Aberdeen clinic remarked that “The team had a good balance of professionalism and treated me like a valued friend.”’
"Noelle Hannan, Glasgow Clinic Registered Manager and Clinical Director [& Tweedle’s wife], said: “I am very proud that our clinic in Glasgow has been recognised in this way by HIS and rated ‘Exceptional’. This is a massive achievement for us and it wouldn’t be possible without all the hard work from our multi-disciplinary team who demonstrate energy and enthusiasm whilst ensuring the very high standards we adhere to are fulfilled. I’m proud to be part of a team that is modelling best practice, and I know first-hand that our patients are grateful for the first rate service and outcomes they receive.”’ [ROTFLMAO!]
Circled in yellow in the background poster, mental health nurse, Georgia Lee, was a recipient of the Thanks A Million scam (1); under the guise of benevolancy, OE sickeningly used the 2017 terrorist attacks to circumvent the Information Commissioner's Office’s enforcement re spam texts (2).
The corrupt company even published a picture of ‘winner' Laura Newman on Instagram - who is in fact Stephen Hannan’s cousin and OE employee, fraudulently claiming she’d won free laser surgery (3)!
And not the first time they’ve posed staff as customers in promotional photos!
(3) (7 Dec 2019)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) have chosen to totally ignore the many thousands of people damaged by Optical Express, whose eyes and lives are permanently ruined! Not forgetting the cost to the NHS, burdened with providing expensive aftercare.
They disgust me, along with every other organisation claiming to protect the public, instead rewarding and promoting the companies responsible for causing so much devastation and pain to people's lives!
Representatives from both regulators are invited to Bad Eye Day Lobby at the House of Commons on 17 April, when they can hear first hand accounts from people they are supposed to protect!
If government ministers (and allegedly a few CQC employees fed by David Moulsdale) stopped taking backhanders and bothered to address this scandal, it's not a difficult task to collate the numbers of damaged refractive surgery patients turning to the NHS, as I discussed at a meeting with Moorfields Eye Hospital CEO and MD in September 2018.
They eventually agreed to this, but their successors, Martin Kuper and Louisa Wickham, have refused to engage with me, Dr Kuper not even having the courtesy to reply to any of my emails.
As for Louisa Wickham, whom I’ve met on four occasions over the years, when accompanying MBEF clients to their NHS consultations, she is fully aware of the problems caused by the unregulated refractive industry.
The first time we met, Louisa gave me permission to quote her stating that she would not risk having laser eye surgery because her eyes are too valuable.
Now in a position to help, why is she not doing so?
Tweedledum|Stephen Hannan not so pretty in Pink, Dr David Teenan in Lime, Dr Sajjad Mughal in Orange.
#blindedonthehighstreet #stormsasha
Last Edit:21 Mar 2023 16:09
by Sasha
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- admin
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Replied by admin on topic The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Queen Mother Hospital for Animals
Posted 07 Feb 2023 21:36 #9
I don’t normally post about my personal life, but on this occasion I'm making an exception, to highlight one of the most serious issues within the #refractivesurgery industry - lack of informed consent
On Saturday evening, needing emergency treatment, my dog was referred to the The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, thankfully only half an hour drive from my home.
Whilst he was being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, a trainee vet (not a sales person!) took all the information that was required from me.
And after examining my dog, Dave Beeston (Emergency and Critical Care vet) personally checked all this with me again, before explaining what they intended to do over the next 24 hrs...
Risks and possible complications fully explained in person, BEFORE I signed the consent agreement.
The next day, early Sunday evening, I was called by the neurologist, Daniel Ryan, who explained in detail the procedures my dog would undergo on Monday. Again, all risks and possible unhappy results fully explained.
And much as I love him, it should be considered that this is a dog we're discussing, not forgetting that his treatment was essential, not elective as is refractive eye surgery.
Yet I have never heard of ANY human refractive patient, no matter where their surgery, being equally fully informed, by the operating surgeon (as it should be), or by anyone else.
That there are many thousands of people left with serious side effects and debilitating post op problems after undergoing unnecessary refractive eye surgery not disclosed to potential new victims, or advice given not to take the risk simply to lose specs or contact lenses.
Because if this were done, I guestimate that sales would decrease by at least 50%!
And other than to say that the last few days have been incredibly traumatic for me (as animal lovers will appreciate), I won't be commenting further on my personal life, or that of my dog!
But I will take this opportunity to praise the many wonderful doctors and nurses at The Royal Veterinary College (RVC); exceptional care from wonderful people who do whatever they can to help sick animals.
On Saturday evening, needing emergency treatment, my dog was referred to the The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, thankfully only half an hour drive from my home.
Whilst he was being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, a trainee vet (not a sales person!) took all the information that was required from me.
And after examining my dog, Dave Beeston (Emergency and Critical Care vet) personally checked all this with me again, before explaining what they intended to do over the next 24 hrs...
Risks and possible complications fully explained in person, BEFORE I signed the consent agreement.
The next day, early Sunday evening, I was called by the neurologist, Daniel Ryan, who explained in detail the procedures my dog would undergo on Monday. Again, all risks and possible unhappy results fully explained.
And much as I love him, it should be considered that this is a dog we're discussing, not forgetting that his treatment was essential, not elective as is refractive eye surgery.
Yet I have never heard of ANY human refractive patient, no matter where their surgery, being equally fully informed, by the operating surgeon (as it should be), or by anyone else.
That there are many thousands of people left with serious side effects and debilitating post op problems after undergoing unnecessary refractive eye surgery not disclosed to potential new victims, or advice given not to take the risk simply to lose specs or contact lenses.
Because if this were done, I guestimate that sales would decrease by at least 50%!
And other than to say that the last few days have been incredibly traumatic for me (as animal lovers will appreciate), I won't be commenting further on my personal life, or that of my dog!
But I will take this opportunity to praise the many wonderful doctors and nurses at The Royal Veterinary College (RVC); exceptional care from wonderful people who do whatever they can to help sick animals.
Last Edit:21 Mar 2023 16:11
by admin
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- Sasha
- Posts: 36
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Groundhog Day 
1 January 2020: 'I am confident that 2020 will ultimately be OUR year… with two good reasons for my prediction tucked in my pocket until I am able to publish - one hopefully by the end of February or March...'
1 January 2021:
‘Unfortunately last year didn’t quite go the way I'd expected - in more ways than one, but there is good news on the horizon…’
1 January 2022:
‘If interested in reading more about the above, scroll back to read the earlier NYD posts in full - and consider 2022 the new 2020, at least so far as this industry is concerned!’
Things yet again not going quite the way in 2022 as so many of us expected, not least due to the extraordinary outcome of Dr #PrashantJindal’s FtP hearing, when the #mpts panel members incredibly recused themselves, absurdly blaming me for their unprecedented decision, astonishingly supported by the not fit for purpose General Medical Council legal team - story to be continued soon!
But with truths being published on both sides of the Atlantic, the refractive industry is starting to feel the heat, and I believe they’ll be walking on coals soon!
A number of surprises to come this side of the Atlantic, one of which guaranteed to make a lot of damaged patients smile, and I hope to have the green light to publicise some of the details later this month!
In the meantime, as I similarly posted last year, I’ll keep on doing what I have been doing for almost 12 years, and all I ask in return is that you PLEASE support my work - even if only by posting on OERML website forum, and liking/sharing my Twitter/Fb posts (and occasionally Instagram when I have time) 🙏
To all damaged patients, their families and friends, and those who support us in various ways (especially John McDonnell MP), I wish you a Happy New Year, and the best 2023 possible!
And to everyone else, I wish you what you deserve!

1 January 2020: 'I am confident that 2020 will ultimately be OUR year… with two good reasons for my prediction tucked in my pocket until I am able to publish - one hopefully by the end of February or March...'
1 January 2021:
‘Unfortunately last year didn’t quite go the way I'd expected - in more ways than one, but there is good news on the horizon…’
1 January 2022:
‘If interested in reading more about the above, scroll back to read the earlier NYD posts in full - and consider 2022 the new 2020, at least so far as this industry is concerned!’
Things yet again not going quite the way in 2022 as so many of us expected, not least due to the extraordinary outcome of Dr #PrashantJindal’s FtP hearing, when the #mpts panel members incredibly recused themselves, absurdly blaming me for their unprecedented decision, astonishingly supported by the not fit for purpose General Medical Council legal team - story to be continued soon!
But with truths being published on both sides of the Atlantic, the refractive industry is starting to feel the heat, and I believe they’ll be walking on coals soon!
A number of surprises to come this side of the Atlantic, one of which guaranteed to make a lot of damaged patients smile, and I hope to have the green light to publicise some of the details later this month!
In the meantime, as I similarly posted last year, I’ll keep on doing what I have been doing for almost 12 years, and all I ask in return is that you PLEASE support my work - even if only by posting on OERML website forum, and liking/sharing my Twitter/Fb posts (and occasionally Instagram when I have time) 🙏
To all damaged patients, their families and friends, and those who support us in various ways (especially John McDonnell MP), I wish you a Happy New Year, and the best 2023 possible!
And to everyone else, I wish you what you deserve!
Last Edit:01 Jan 2023 16:50
by Sasha
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