
Dr Prashant Jindal | MPTS Fitness to Practise hearing

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Replied by admin on topic Part 5 (of I don't know how many to come)

Posted 10 Oct 2022 17:08 #11
As well as the sickening video posted by the Twisted Fncks, falsely claiming that Greg Brady's badly bruised eyes (following an operation to cut his eyelids) were a result of losing a boxing match, that the blood was ‘paint', there are multiple other videos and websites out there, libelling not only Greg, but his partner Catherine, Sandy Miller, me, BBC/journalist Nicola Dowling, and the GMC.

The content and titles of these publications are repulsive, the work of human cockroaches!

The tribunal chair requested that witnesses for the GMC should not discuss our evidence with anyone whilst Dr Prashant Jindal’s FtP hearing continues, and we have all respected this - in my case not a request according to the GMC in-house solicitor, who told me I had been ‘warned’ (see 31 May post), having made it clear the first time we spoke on the phone that she didn’t like me!

I didn't take it personally, because whilst the GMC avoid transparency, I accept that they don't appreciate my challenging the organisation, or accusing them of being not fit for purpose (in agreement with the majority of their registrants it seems), but as they monitor everything I publish, I’ll take this opportunity to point out that it’s not me who has leaked evidence!

And they can expect my letter of complaint in due course concerning the spurious claims made by the MPTS tribunal member, with regard to the fact that their own barrister went along with it, supporting Colman’s suggestion that I should be excluded from the last two public sessions - me then oblivious that I was the intended subject. Case in point re transparency methinks!

Meanwhile, Dr Prashant Jindal has not only provided chapter and verse of witness accounts from the first hearing to his Twisted Fnck pals at Accuvision, but he has also provided them with hard copy evidence, including internal GMC correspondence from BBC journalist Nicola Dowling - undisclosed to anyone but Jindal and his legal team, published all over the internet, via countless social media accounts and fake profiles - even Johnny Depp is writing about me (see image).

But they have quite incredibly also posted a video on YouTube that was presented in evidence at the hearing in May, recorded by Johann Panthakey and his colleagues, who followed Greg and Catherine up the street after their last visit to the AccuVision Fulham clinic in 2017. Again, no-one had this video besides AccuVision, Jindal, and the legal teams.

So whilst both MPTS and GMC lawyers have put a target on my back, blaming me for the panel’s recusal, without any actual evidence to support the tribunal's spurious and absurd allegations, Jindal’s team have been sharing evidence online for more than 3 months, defaming all involved, and playing the racist card, whilst ironically publishing anti semitic comments!

These sick people ludicrously claim that I have fake charities worldwide, that I am raising money to fund and incite Islamaphobia, hence the ‘rich Jew’ nonsense to fuel their claims.

To be clear, as a dyed in the wool atheist, with no religious affiliation, I respect the choices of people who do. And I hate to disappoint, but I'm not rich, trading in stocks definitely not one of my skills!

This montage (collage if you prefer) is a small selection of screenshots from some of the sickening sites, and I have resisted including tweets from respected consultants who’ve publicly supported and shared this utter sh*t without performing due diligence!

And whilst I will not deign to comment on the other insane claims, I will explain why the 'Salman Rushdie Stabbings’ hashtag is included in the image. It’s from one of the Twisted Fncks many trolling sites, which provoked online attacks from Muslims who don’t know me (many in Pakistan who are presumably paid followers*), some threatening to 'find me’, 'teach me’, etc…, no doubt the intention and hope of Daryus Panthakey et al.

The police visited me a few weeks ago over this serious matter, and I have lawyers currently dealing with a number of related matters.

There can be no doubt whatsoever that Dr Prashant Jindal has been leaking evidence and information to AccuVision owner Daryus Panthakey, but it remains to be seen whether or not the GMC will take any action, or if it's just me the organisation wants to discredit (and libel), to suit their own agenda.
*eg: risekarma.com/
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Replied by admin on topic Part 4 (of I don't know how many to come)

Posted 01 Oct 2022 17:21 #12
This video will horrify those of you who know Greg Brady’s story, the lies told about him truly awful, and I would bring your attention to The Times newspaper article I posted on 20 Jul 2018 18:32* :kiss:

On 5 August I wrote: 'very dirty and dishonest tactics recently employed online, primarily intended to discredit both BBC and GMC…’, since which time the 'Twisted F*cks’ (as we now refer to these psychopaths) have subjected me to the most vile and sickening online attack, that I believe not even Optical Express would consider!

This is primarily the work of Accuvision owner, Daryus Panthakey, desperate to discredit me because of my involvement with the GMC/MPTS hearing re Dr Prashant Jindal. Because if Jindal is found ‘guilty’, he can go and work overseas, but Daryus Panthakey stands to lose everything, and will face criminal charges, as will his employees and associates, both current and ex.However, much information has been passed to Panthakey by Jindal himself, and the GMC has so far failed to explain how some of their organisation’s internal and confidential correspondence has made it online via the Twisted F*cks!

Lawyers have been instructed, by me, and by other parties similarly subjected to this incredible harassment and defamation, on multiple social media sites, YouTube, etc…, with increasing numbers of nauseating websites that are in turn slowly being taken down by the hosting companies.

Our lawyers are also requesting details of the domain registrants, which we expect will eventually lead to those directly responsible, because there’s always a paper trail left somewhere, especially by arrogant and reckless psychopaths, and of course domains and websites require payment by credit card!

Domain names such as ‘gregbradyfraud.com’ and ‘sandymillermountainrelishfraud.com’ amongst these (both websites taken down by the hosting companies two days ago), all publishing fake news, whilst accusing the General Medical Council of racism for referring Jindal to the MPTS FtP hearing.**

Unfortunately, many Asian doctors have accepted these lies at face value due to the GMC’s reputation, offering Jindal their support on Twitter, but what the Twisted F*cks fail to mention is that ALL of Greg Brady’s treating specialists are of Indian or Pakistani origin!

Nor did this story start with Dr Prashant Jindal; Dr Brett Halliday, a Caucasian doctor, was reported to the GMC in 2013, but they refused to pursue the case because it was out of their 5 years time limit.***

Read details in posts from 'Mr Starburst', starting in 2014: www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...-accuvision?start=20

*(i) Greg was not a 'failed boxer', he underwent refractive surgery because he was turning semi-pro (hope I've worded correctly!)

(ii) The photo of Greg with blood running down his face was taken soon after surgery to cut open his eyelids, curling inwards onto his corneas due to being tightly closed for such an extended length of time. The lie that this was a result of a boxing match, 'where he lost badly’, shows what sick people we're dealing with!

(iii) Note that these photos have been cropped, as the ‘kitchen towel’ image does not show Greg’s newly born baby in his arms, unable to attend the birth due to bright lighting in the delivery room.

(iv) I won’t comment on the photos of Greg dated post op, as these are included in the evidence before the MPTS, falsely represented by the Twisted F*cks!

**I will be providing more details in a later post, but I have no doubt that the MPTS tribunal recused itself on 17 September because they wanted out, worried about the racist claims being thrown around, and what they might face had they found the allegations proven against Jindal.

***Imagine if there were a time limit on murder enquiries!

Still so much more yet to tell…
Last Edit:01 Oct 2022 17:22 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Part 3 (of I don't know how many to come!)

Posted 22 Sep 2022 19:06 #13
Part 3 (of I don't know how many) :kiss:

Today should have been a day for celebration, with Greg Brady and Sandy Miller (and others illegally operated on by AccuVision's father and son team) finally getting some justice; instead a vile hate campaign, orchestrated by clinic owner Daryus Panthakey, managed to derail the hearing at this very late stage in the proceedings, with the Tribunal ludicrously blaming me!*

Throughout the MPTS hearing, I was as transparent as I was allowed to be in my published accounts, abiding by the Tribunal's directions that, though free to report on the content, I must not discuss my own evidence.

At no point have I done otherwise, and whilst I’m sure all involved (bar the victims) would leap on any excuse to exclude me from the hearing when it's relisted with a new panel, I will continue not to discuss my evidence, nor publish vital information about Jindal that was not submitted in evidence by the GMC legal team (but should have been!)

Meanwhile, most information in this post, if not referred to previously in Part 2, can be read in Annex B and Annex C below.

With reference to the submissions in Annex B, noted 1-5 in Part 2:

1. I sat through the entire hearing quietly, not even exhibiting a facial response when I was slated by Colman, though at that point I had no idea what he was actually referring to. Therefore, it would be good to know what problem I 'caused in the hearing’!

2. More details in Annex C, point 11.
Whilst I'm not sure that Tribunal member Dr Laura Florence's note is quite accurate, I won't swear to it, but to the best of my recollection there are only two or three cubicles in the Ladies toilet she referred to, with little space in front of two washbasins, and the ‘member of the press’ was in front of the one nearest the door when I walked in.

It is more likely that I made my comment whilst Dr Florence was still in her cubicle, and that’s when the ‘lady from the press’ shushed me, but either way, as I was not addressing her, she had no idea what I was referring to.

And I make no apologies for saying I was ‘f*cking angry’, because that's my constant emotion concerning the refractive surgery industry!

Goodness knows what I might have said that would have been weaponised against me had I not been warned that someone was in one of the cubicles! So perhaps separate toilets should be allocated for the tribunal and members of the public in future.

And I would suggest that the legal advisor who drafted the two Annex documents (with a perceived COI yet to be told) should google the definition of ‘interaction’, because I had NO interaction with any Tribunal member!

3. Although I wrote nothing that could prejudice the case, I accept that perhaps I should not have tagged Gulzar Mufti on LinkedIn, but it's an automatic habit to tag anyone I mention in posts/tweets. (LI screenshot in comments under Part 2).

However, that post was dated 6 June, and I question why LinkedIn belatedly emailed Gulzar Mufti on 8 June, as a tagging alert is normally sent within the hour, if not minutes, and his contemporaneous note appears to have been recorded on 9 June, coinciding with Dr Florence’s contemporaneous note!

It should also be considered that Dr Prashant Jindal’s attempt to ‘Connect' with me on LIinkedIn was dismissed by his counsel, Andrew Colman, with the unbelievable and belated excuse that his client's account had been hacked! (See 10 July post)

Were the Tribunal also given this information I wonder?

4. More details in Annex C, point 12 .
Being somewhat OCD about where I sit, eating breakfast in the hotel restaurant every morning throughout the hearing, 30 May-10 June (dinner too some evenings, a change from McDonalds fish burger & fries), I always sat at the same table, other than on one occasion when the conservatory area was closed.

So Dr Florence must have been facing the back of the winged chair I sat in, working on my iPad or reading my Kindle during meals, with no interest in observing other guests. And if she too ate regularly in the restaurant then she must surely have seen me there on other occasions, given that she was so interested in my behaviour, eavesdropping on my private conversations!

The breakfast staff had got to know me, even bringing my preferred coffee over without me needing to order, and as part of my work, I frequently hand out business cards to people, especially those wearing glasses, which I did to many of the hotel staff during my stay.

And her claim that I was talking ‘loudly’ is not only a lie, not least because she states that she was sitting approximately two metres away, close enough to listen in on the quietest of conversations, but deliberately worded to insinuate that I was speaking for her benefit. Regardless of which, it should be noted that I made no reference to the hearing itself.

And I would like to point out that you can't 'make eye contact' with someone who isn’t looking at you!

On 9 June, recovering from Covid the previous week, I was not feeling well enough to go out and about, and whilst waiting for a journalist who was coming to interview me, bored with my hotel room, I was killing time looking around the hotel, a stunning historic building, with lots of impressively tiled corridors and interesting areas to explore.

The inference that I was purposely standing EIGHT metres away from Dr Florence looking at photos, with intent to threaten or intimidate her with my presence is outrageous!!

I repeat, I did not see this woman at any time in the hotel during my stay.

And I hate to disappoint Dr Florence, but not only was I completely oblivious to the fact that she was staying in the same hotel, I paid very little attention to her at all during the hearing, and there was nothing about her that I would have recognised outside the MPTS centre.

The fact that these non events were deemed important enough for the legal advisor to take contemporaneous notes leads me to suspect that they were told to watch me (spying and stalking in my opinion), a pathetic excuse to call for recusal on 16 September.

And if Dr Florence was so affected by my presence, then why didn't she recuse herself and leave the others to it?

5. I had not previously disrupted proceeding, so what was there to suggest I would change my behaviour?

From Annex B:

I made no such attempts at all, and when Colman mentioned me on 10 June (See 17 June post), I thought he was just exaggerating or overplaying my having tagged Gulzar Mufti on LinkedIn. Because, contrary to what has been claimed (Annex C, point 11), at no time during the hearing were any specific details mentioned in relation to these ridiculous accusations, and the first time I heard of them was last Saturday!

Probably for the best, because had these been itemised on 10 June by Colman, then I'd have struggled to stay quiet, though I believe these accusations should have been mentioned in public session, with the right of reply afforded!

It should also be noted, after Colman's dig at me, Matthew Fiander, Tribunal chair, assured him that nothing outside the hearing would influence their decision!

So what - or who - happened to change their minds?

*Annex C, point 34.

In my opinion this shows that the Tribunal most definitely intended to deliver a ‘guilty' decision, otherwise there was no reason to recuse itself, as a 'not guilty' would have had Jindal sending them champagne and flowers! Whereas, a guilty verdict would - as mentioned in Part 2 - have opened flood gates for an onslaught from Jindal supporters screaming racism, and I will be publshing evidence that AccuVision orchestrated their hate campaign for this very purpose.

I believe the tribunal were aware of this, presumably advised by the GMC, who’ve been monitoring this sickening campaign, under attack alongside me and the BBC.

One thing I'm certain of, it wasn’t me the Tribunal were concerned about - it was that Daryus Panthakey’s campaign, spearheaded by someone using a fake profile, falsely claiming to be both a journalist and solicitor, has attracted support from Asian doctors in the UK who have no idea that they’re being played, the majority believing the vile claims without question!

It should be noted that it was entirely thanks to my endeavours that this hearing made it to a FtP hearing, and I would not intentionally do ANYTHING to jeopardise the outcome!

Next shocking chapter coming very soon…
Last Edit:24 Sep 2022 16:15 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic MPTS tribunal recusal: Annex B & C

Posted 22 Sep 2022 16:00 #14
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Replied by admin on topic Part 2 (of I don't know how many to come!)

Posted 21 Sep 2022 17:03 #15
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, in fact it stinks to high heaven :kiss:

I should have guessed the reason I was excluded from the public sessions on Friday and Saturday - because the 'legal matter' was me!

Given the weight of evidence presented during the May/June hearing, I really believed it probable that the Tribunal would find Jindal ‘guilty’ (ie allegations proven), and so it seems did his counsel, Andrew Colman, desperate to get rid of the panel, with me as scapegoat!!

However, it was apparently the Tribunal members themselves who asked to be recused, and I can only assume this was because they wanted to avoid being caught up in the sh*t show that would follow a 'guilty' decision, thanks to an incredible and hideous attack orchestrated by AccuVision owner Daryus Panthakey over the past few months, accusing the General Medical Council (GMC), BBC, and me, of racism and more: posting on numerous websites and fake social media accounts, gaining traction with respected Asian doctors they've targeted who have actually fallen for this sh*t, because of the GMC's reputation for pursuing ethnic minorities in disciplinary matters.

The accusations against me have been particularly vile, and I have a legal team currently dealing with this.

The GMC totally aware of what’s been going on, and I understand they admitted that they know it's come from Dr Prashant Jindal's camp, but so far have done nothing to address this insanity (that I am aware of), and nor has the BBC, or their journalist, Nicola Dowling, who, like me, has been pilloried by these sickos!

I'll be publishing examples at some point in this thread.

Details from Annex B (red annotations mine)

The General Medical Council (GMC) totally aware of what’s been going on, and I understand they admitted that they know it's come from Dr Prashant Jindal's camp, but so far have done nothing to address this insanity (that I am aware of), and nor has the BBC, or their journalist, who, like me, has been pilloried by these sickos!

I'll be publishing examples at some point in this thread.

Thiis from Annex C:

'Background regarding decision to recuse

7. Shortly after the Tribunal retired to deliberate on the facts, a GMC witness, Sasha Rodoy, began a series of interactions with Tribunal members. On each occasion the Legal Assessor recorded a contemporaneous note.

8. On 10 June 2022, the Tribunal returned to public session, relayed Ms Rodoy’s interventions to the parties and invited initial submissions. [Odd, I must have been asleep!]*

9. On recommencing in camera for deliberations on 16 September 2022, having reflected further, the Tribunal was concerned about the possibility of subconscious influence from Ms Rodoy’s interventions and the impact of that on the Tribunal’s decision making. The Tribunal invited the representatives for their submissions regarding the appropriateness of the Tribunal recusing itself.’

Part 3 of this thread will critique and discredit the Tribunal’s claim that I, 'began a series of three interactions with Tribunal members', which is total bullsh*t, no other words for it!

And whilst I’ve only posted excerpts for the moment, I will publish the entire determination from the Tribunal in due course.

*Read 17 June post for verbatim account of what was said on 10 June, not quite as claimed by MPTS in Point 8 above!

And, posted on 6 June, this is a screenshot of my LinkedIn post mentioning Gulzar Mufti.

Last Edit:21 Sep 2022 17:23 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Part 1 (of I don't know how many to come!)

Posted 19 Sep 2022 17:43 #16

Scheduled to hand down their decision in public session on 22 September, the MPTS tribunal reconvened in camera on Friday and Saturday, presumably to finish writing up extensive notes to explain their decision on Dr Prashant Jindal’s fitness to practise :kiss:

So it came as a huge surprise when I (Sasha Rodoy) received this email on Friday morning (edited to include salient points only):

'On 16 Sep 2022, at 10:50, MPTS Press Office <pressoffice@mpts-uk.org> wrote:

Good morning,

We have just been advised that the tribunal hearing the case of Dr Jindal will reconvene in public session at 12pm today to hear submissions from parties on a legal matter that has arisen. Given the short notice there is the option for you to dial in remotely.

To confirm your observation of the hearing, please complete the attached Terms of Access form…

We must also ask for proof of your name and UK address...

Once we have received this information, arrangements will be made for a link to be sent to you to join the hearing via Microsoft Teams.

Having belatedly seen the message at 11:50, I panicked that I wouldn’t get the docs to them in time, so I called the MPTS Communications Officer, who told me not to worry, that I'd still be able to sign in even if I was late.

12:07 - my docs sent, but no Teams link provided, so I called again, and was told that the tribunal members were running late, assured that the link was on its way to me.

12:35 - no link, so I called again. The Press Officer was unavailable, but the person I spoke with relayed her message that I'd receive an email or phone call shortly!

14:00 - still no link, and I naively wondered if perhaps they’d been unable to get all parties together at such short notice, hence the delay.

16:50 - with my emails/phone calls still going unanswered, being on their list for updates, another person with a vested interest* called the MPTS Press Officer, to ask why he hadn’t been invited to attend the public session, and was advised that it had been held at 12:30, lasting just under 30 minutes!

They refused to tell him what the legal matter was (even though discussed in public session), but that the panel hadn’t yet made a decision, and if they did so it would be handed down in a brief public session the next day (Saturday), and if so, he would be sent a Teams link to attend remotely.

Now Saturday morning, I called the press office complaining that I hadn't received the Teams link, and was told that the General Medical Council (GMC) legal team should have called me to explain that I had been excluded from the public sessions, allegedly because I might be recalled as a witness.

'Curiouser and curiouser, cried Alice...'

MUCH more to come, with information that is going to leave you shaking your heads in disbelief (and disgust), explaining why I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole!!

*Operated on by AccuVision owner Daryus Panthakey in 2006, the victim's complaint dismissed by General Medical Council in 2013. See related posts starting 23 February 2014: www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...-accuvision?start=10
Last Edit:21 Sep 2022 17:21 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Dr Prashant Jindal | MPTS Fitness to Practise hearing

Posted 15 Jul 2022 17:24 #17
Monday 11 July, further response from General Medical Council legal :kiss:

'The Tribunal will reconvene on 16th September. I can also confirm that a further date of 17th September has been added. The MPTS have confirmed that barristers are not required to attend on 16th & 17th September as the Tribunal will be in camera. It is intended that the determination on facts will be handed down in public session on 22nd September.'

‘In respect of the Linkedin connection request you advised you received from Dr Jindal, Dr Jindal’s legal representative has confirmed that this was not a deliberate action. He stated:
I have written to my client to remind him of his obligations in respect of witnesses. He is adamant that this approach did not originate with him. One possible explanation is that his account was hacked: he has therefore changed his password and put a message on his LinkedIn to say that the account was hacked.*

We have carefully considered, with counsel, the information you provided to us, together with Dr Jindal’s representatives comments. Given your evidence has concluded, & there has been no actual communication between Dr Jindal & yourself, we will not be raising the Linkedin connection request with the Tribunal. However, should any contact be made by Dr Jindal please inform me of this & we will consider it accordingly.’

*Whilst I doubt that even his own legal representative believed Jindal’s risible story that his account was hacked (the hacker randomly inviting me to connect 🤣) I accept the GMC’s reason not to raise this with the Tribunal.

However, since that amusing incident, Jindal has excelled himself, party to major defamation of various organisations and people directly involved in his FtP hearing, with some information that can only have been provided to the 'publisher’ by #AccuVision owner #daryuspanthakey & #drprashantjindal himself.

Much directed at the GMC, with ludicrous & laughable lies, but as it’s a serious case of defamation, none involved can afford to ignore this.

I have sent the info to GMC, who, on this occasion, I believe have no option but to share with the Tribunal, as the source(s) must be considered in relation to Jindal's integrity (albeit an oxymoron).

Because of the seriousness of the matter, the person fronting the fantastical nonsense facing legal repercussions, it is probable I won’t publish further details until the MPTS panel hand down their decision.

Meantime, Jindal appears to believe he really is a celebrity, having upgraded his LinkedIn a/c to Premium, and marked his social media accounts as: ’Official account of…' (but not updating his photos)

He also recently changed his Twitter a/c name to @PrashantJindall (2 Ls), previously @OneMinuteMagics and fllled with self promotion of his unheard of ’Best seller' - that might have a chance of becoming such after 22 September!

Until Greg Brady's desperate situation was publicised in 2018 not one of the many UK consultant ophthalmologists/refractive surgeons I personally know had ever heard of Prashant Jindal!
Last Edit:22 Sep 2022 16:01 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Pants on fire Dr Prashant Jindal!

Posted 10 Jul 2022 18:02 #18
I hadn’t intended to post anything more about Dr Prashant Jindal and AccuVision Laser Eye Clinic until the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel hand down their decision, expected on 22 September. However, the actions of those swimming in the murky underbelly of the refractive surgery industry cannot be predicted, so here we are again, sooner than planned :kiss:

I thought I was hallucinating when I read Dr Prashant Jindal's LinkedIn request to connect with me on 27 June, not least because I am a witness for the General Medical Council at his FtP hearing, and he should not be trying to contact me in any way!

Given the time of evening his request was sent, perhaps Jindal was 'in his cups’, but whatever his reason, I did not respond, and the next day forwarded his email to the GMC legal team, who assured me by return that Mr Rigby would be informed and instructed, 'to raise it at the hearing when it reconvenes in September’.

A few days later Jindal posted his ludicrous message on LinkedIn - claiming he’d been hacked!

This is absolute and utter nonsense, but even if there were a grain of truth in his claim, he can of course provide his LI correspondence concerning the alleged hacking to the MPTS.

To be continued, with more to tell before September...
Last Edit:10 Jul 2022 18:02 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic John McDonnell MP & Met police

Posted 01 Jul 2022 19:29 #19
29 June: Wednesday morning, Zoom meeting with John McDonnell, primarily for me to update him on Prashant Jindal's Fitness to Practise hearing, and to discuss the evidence he intends to present to parliament to underline the fact that the General Medical Council (GMC) is unarguably unfit for purpose :kiss:

This will not happen until after the MPTS tribunal hand down their decision - regardless of what it is, because if the allegations are found proven against Jindal, this will be entirely thanks to due diligence exercised by the panel, and by two wonderful unknown case examiners who referred Jindal to his FtP hearing in 2020, after VERY lengthy consideration!

John McDonnell has been aware of AccuVision owner Daryus Panthakey's activities for almost as long as I have (since January 2013), and in relation to information I provided in 2017, as Shadow Chancellor, he personally contacted the Metropolitan Police Commissioner (Cressida Dick) to vouch for me and the investigative journalist I've worked with since 2014, searching online and elsewhere for evidence to expose this scandal within a scandal.

Unfortunately, as with the GMC, the related Met police investigation was another fiasco, and the full story will be published later this year - much of it documented in email correspondence with the useless DCI overseeing the farce, who I once told that if I had to rely on her team to save my life, then I might as well pull the trigger myself!

When the Crown Prosecution Service dismissed the case due to lack of evidence (in abundance, but police simply couldn’t be bothered to pursue), my subsequent official complaint to the IOPC was led by a lower ranking officer from the DCI's same Hammersmith police station, and amazingly she was promoted soon after.

Because of promises made to journalists, I've omitted a few details from this post, but I also promise you readers, the truth will out, so please be patient!
#blindedonthehighstreet #stormsasha
Last Edit:03 Jul 2022 16:54 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Dr Prashant Jindal | MPTS Fitness to Practise hearing

Posted 29 Jun 2022 17:47 #20
Until the MPTS panel hand down their decision on Dr Prashant Jindal’s fitness to practise, I am self imposing a limit on what I publish until after 22 September, partly to avoid yet another attack from his counsel (Andrew Colman), eager to claim ‘foul play’ given any opportunity, and also, as I previously posted, because of my discussions with selected press and media journalists, their voices louder than mine :kiss:

In the meantime, the question oft asked of me is why would Prashant Jindal claim responsibility for surgery that has currently left Greg Brady as good as blind when he professes to be an amazing ‘celebrity surgeon’?

The answer is simple...

Better to be sued (the insurers pay out) than to be erased from the GMC register (struck off), which would have happened by now had Jindal ‘fessed up and admitted he didn’t do it, instead of claiming responsibility for operations that were in fact (allegedly) performed by father and son team, Daryus and Johann Panthakey.

Somewhat ironic perhaps, that after buying a new Lexus in 2021 Jindal criticised the company on Twitter for their after sales service! (Tweet recently removed and his Twitter a/c pared down since the hearing began.)

When the self proclaimed ’Celebrity surgeon’ Prashant Jindal was giving evidence earlier this month (aka lying through his teeth), the tribunal were trying to establish if the grey haired person present in the operating room during Sandy Miller’s surgery was AccuVision - The Eye Clinic owner Daryus Panthakey, and when they asked Jindal if he’d ever had grey hair, he admitted to dying his hair for many years - I don't miss much, having coincidentally spotted his grey roots just ten minutes earlier.

So no, ’twas not him!

Excusing the fact that he didn’t remember Greg Brady, on a roll, believing the tribunal were lapping up his nonsense (I’m quietly confident they’re smarter than that), he told an anecdote about a time he claimed he hadn’t known who he’d operated on the previous day, until his assistant pointed out that the patient was a well known cricketer.

Hard to swallow that story as Jindal is an avid cricket fan, a real groupie, with selfies on his social media sites taken with a number of cricketers, suggesting that he’s operated on them all.

Photo with Andy Flower a case in point.

To be cont'd...
Last Edit:10 Jul 2022 18:03 by admin

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