

  • Ela

Replied by Ela on topic Dry eyes after lasik 4 years ago...

Posted 18 Oct 2013 17:32 #31
Has anyone experienced dry eye flare up after taking drugs that have an ocular drying effect?

Also, does anyone have experience with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation of the cornea and do they work?
Last Edit:18 Oct 2013 17:40 by Ela

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  • Tommy_Jones
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Replied by Tommy_Jones on topic Omega-3 linked to prostate cancer

Posted 16 Jul 2013 11:36 #32
Interesting read!



Many surgeons recommend Omega-3 for DES (dry eyes)
Last Edit:16 Jul 2013 15:38 by Tommy_Jones

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic laser eye surgery cost

Posted 28 May 2013 09:12 #33
Anyone who has a bad outcome from laser/refractive eye surgery is not unlucky or merely unfortunate. They have had their most precious sense utterly ruined by businesses and so-called "health professionals" who are in no way capable of performing such risky surgery to a proper standard. If airline pilots had an equivalent lack of training or proper regulation that exists in the eye surgery industry, jumbo jets would be falling out of the sky every week. This scandal is now being exposed, and once it's sheer scale becomes widely known, severe action must be taken against those that have ruined patients eyes. Also, if a "cure" for ruined corneas (bio-engineered cornea) becomes available, everyone affected should have reparative surgery free of charge.
by Mr Starburst

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  • InthebusinessnotOE

Replied by InthebusinessnotOE on topic laser eye surgery cost

Posted 27 May 2013 12:07 #34
Everyone who has had substandard treatment is unfortunate.

3K is a lot of money but at the low end for really first class laser eye surgery (4 to 6K). The conveyor belt described is what happens when surgery is performed at low cost. Poor attention to detail, lack of individualised care, high risk of errors and ultimately and very sadly patient harm.

Key is to ensure groups who do not look after patients well do not get business. The question is how ?
by InthebusinessnotOE

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  • InthebusinessnotOE

Replied by InthebusinessnotOE on topic Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Posted 26 May 2013 10:39 #35
Mr Starburst, sadly while there is a general correlation between pricing and expertise, this is not always the case. You have been particularly unfortunate.
by InthebusinessnotOE

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Posted 25 May 2013 11:10 #36
In reply to InthebusinessnotOE. I didn't go for cheap pricing. I paid over £1000 per eye, and my eyes are still ruined. As I wasn't told before surgery that the lasik flap never heals/reintergrates back with the corneal tissue, I believe there was a lack of informed consent, as I would have had serious doubts about having lasik had I known this fact. After having had lasik I can see without glasses/contacts, BUT NOT PROPERLY !
by Mr Starburst

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  • InthebusinessnotOE

Replied by InthebusinessnotOE on topic Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Posted 23 May 2013 22:24 #37
Mr Starburst - you are right - the highest standards are what every patient should expect. Problem is the hard sell and cheap pricing. Cheap and highest standards in the case of laser eye surgery are not compatible.

Where did it all go wrong ? When patients decided to have their eyes treated without really checking things out properly. I know that for many more time is spent figuring out what car to buy and where or what holiday to go on than choosing an eye centre or eye surgeon ! If people stopped going to the not so good places, they would be out of business.
by InthebusinessnotOE

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Posted 21 May 2013 13:14 #38
Re InthebusinessnotOE "Where did things go so wrong", how about starting with the fact that prospective patients have never had any real information whether surgeons and clinics/businesses are in fact capable of performing this surgery to the highest standards including screening and aftercare.

Of course those not capable of operating to the highest standards should never have been allowed to operate on peoples eyes, but there is no mechanism in place to prevent these butchers from ruining our precious sense.
Last Edit:21 May 2013 14:57 by Mr Starburst

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  • InthebusinessnotOE

Replied by InthebusinessnotOE on topic Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Posted 16 May 2013 00:10 #39
By references I mean peer reviewed references rather than blogs or web related references. For example the one provided by Mr. Wiggles from a study in the Chinese army.

The web related ones provided by Anonymous are in the main classic examples of where cases were treated inappropriately.

The reality is 50 million worldwide over a period of 2 decades have had Laser eye surgery. If "weakness" were a significant enough problem, this would by now be a public health problem.

Distinguish between vulnerability and weakness. The two are sort of related but not only relativley so. Vulnerability of the eye is where trauma can lead to problems as a result of the procedure. for Lasik it is - less than cataract surgery where the opening in the eye although small is a through and through incision that can with impact tear. Yes there is the potential of Lasik flaps being lifted from trauma - in my time as a fixer of problems I have only come across 2 cases - one my own patient illustrated earlier in this thread and the other a small flap performed at a famous eye hospital and where the eye got hit with a bungee cord. The easiest problem to deal with was the flap - the big problem was the hyphaema (blood in the eye- unrelated to prior lasik) and also the ensuing high pressures that needed control and ultimately evacuation of the blood.

Other reality is that Lasik in the right hands and performed correctly and appropriately is life changing for a large number of patients. Sadly those participating on this site are not amongst that group of people.

Laser eye surgery is in incorrect hands in the UK and the advertising practice has changed perception of the procedure. It is actually SURGERY - people spend less time doing due diligence for surgery on their eyes than they do booking a holiday. Where did things go so wrong ?
by InthebusinessnotOE

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  • Anonymous

Replied by Anonymous on topic Laser weakens cornea

Posted 14 May 2013 22:03 #40

InthebusinessnotOE wrote: I still would like to see some actual references (please cite them so that I can reference directly) to indicate that this procedure leaves the cornea permanently weakened.

"So, while Laser Eye Surgery does indeed weaken the cornea and the structure of the eye..."

"LASIK permanently thins and weakens the cornea, which may lead to progressive steepening or bulging (ectasia) of the cornea with associated deterioration of vision."

"It is generally believed that if too much tissue is removed from the cornea that its structural integrity can be compromised and it will be weakened. Any weakness of the cornea can lead to distortions of its shape which are unpredictable and irregular. The weakness may also be progressive causing something called ectasia where a part of the cornea pushes outward."

"Post-LASIK ectasia—or corneal ectasia—is a rare but serious complication of LASIK laser eye surgery. The condition is due to the weakening of the inner layers of the cornea, which occurs during surgery."

"If the initial treatment has been for a very large refractive error, there may be insufficient corneal thickness remaining to safely re-treat the remaining refractive error."
by Anonymous

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