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Replied by OptimaxRML on topic Harley Street Optimax/Ultralase demo

Posted 26 May 2021 21:56 #1
Planned for earlier this week, today’s demo was rescheduled due to heavy rain in London, which meant that we were down to only four people able to attend at short notice.

No worries, the Optimax / Ultralase Harley Street clinic frontage small enough so that we easily covered it and didn't suffer - but they did!

By 1.30pm, rough calculations estimated we'd lost the company(s) in excess of £20,000, with prospective victims we spoke to on the way in to their consultation - certain they were going ahead with surgery, telling us they’d changed their minds on the way out!

Definite cancellations included 2 lens exchange patients (£6.5k each), and 3 laser patients (£3,590 each).

Many people passing by stopped to ask for more information, some saying they’d been close to booking consultations but were not now prepared to take the risk and would stick to wearing specs, and thanked us for raising awareness!

The banner had people on the opposite side of Harley Street taking photos and crossing over wanting to know what it was all about! (Bigger banner next time!)

Russell, you really should have thought it through before entering a CVA, because it’s not a good USP to tempt customers with!

A very satisfying result all round - and it didn’t rain!

More demos to come at London locations throughout the summer, so if you want to join us please email: info@optimaxruinedmylife.net (or) info@mybeautifuleyes.co.uk

Last Edit:27 May 2021 04:21 by OptimaxRML

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Replied by admin on topic DEMO | PROTEST

Posted 23 May 2021 16:58 #2
For the attention of UK residents damaged by refractive eye surgery :kiss:

A number of demos/protests will be held outside various clinics over the next few months.

If interested in joining us, please contact: sasha@mybeautifuleyes.co.uk

NB: Optimax/Ultralase UK victims should contact: info@optimaxruinedmylife.net
Last Edit:27 May 2021 04:22 by admin

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  • Sasha Rodoy
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Replied by Sasha Rodoy on topic Optimax Demo

Posted 17 May 2021 21:43 #3
So pleased to have been invited to join other damaged patients at today’s demo outside Optimax Finchley Road premises. :kiss:

And Russell Ambrose’s staff were so obliging, letting some of us use the bathroom facilities soon after we arrived - was this 'taking the p*ss', or 'taking a p*ss' I wonder?

Icing on the cake when I 'gatecrashed' Jeremy Vine’s phone call with Aaron Winter on BBC Radio 2 (re dry eyes) - story here: www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...ne-bbc-radio-2#21125
Last Edit:24 May 2021 18:06 by Sasha Rodoy

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Replied by admin on topic Glasgow Demo

Posted 23 Feb 2019 17:24 #4
A fun day out in Glasgow today @ Optical Express 200 St Vincent St :kiss:

All Optical Express patients who attended the demo were operated on by David Teenan, all in litigation...

Ronnie (wearing beanie) is blind in one eye, while his friend Dougie's case is listed in court on 5 March.

Sadly I won't be there, because it won't happen - but I'd love to be proven wrong!

OE cannot afford any more major negative publicity, but I have no doubt that Dougie will be pressured by his lily livered legal team to accept an out of court settlement - as has been the case with hundreds of other legal claims since Stephanie Holloway's landmark award of £569,000 (+interest) in 2014.

There are two law firms I am well acquainted with who need to realise that OE play great poker - grow a pair and call their bluff boys!

NB: Do contact me if you are in litigation and have any concerns about your solicitor as I'm happy to share information that I may have about them.

Last Edit:25 Feb 2019 18:57 by admin

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  • arturas

Replied by arturas on topic LONDON DEMO/PROTEST

Posted 12 Mar 2016 17:45 #5
Hello my name is Arturas and I am from London. I have problems also with OE
Next week can I join with you?
admin: Hi Arturas…
I have hidden your email address but will let you know when the next demo is
Last Edit:12 Mar 2016 17:59 by arturas

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Replied by admin on topic Tuesday 2 February...

Posted 04 Feb 2016 15:35 #6
A little birdie told me that Jan Venter has been flown in from his ranch in Sth Africa, to treat the problem patients that no-one else can...

So two days ago four of us made flying visits to Optical Express stores in White City (Westfield), Shaftesbury Avenue, and Harley Street.

We made it inside all except Harley Street - where they now have an entry system and CCTV to keep out unwanted protesters!

No demo, simply to hand out flyers and cards to patients inside the clinics.

On previous visits to Westfield on operating days the upstairs waiting room was always full of RLE patients. This time however there were only two post op patients, sitting outside the operating room wearing fresh bandages on their eyes and resembling a scene from the disturbing dystopian novel, 'Never Let Me Go’!

I guess OERML must be doing something right as all locations were almost empty, and the handful of potential customers we spoke to on their way in/out of Harley Street and Shaftesbury Avenue stores definitely won’t be going back!

A number of people have contacted me for advice about standing outside their local OE store to hand out flyers and warn people of the risks. So if you would like to join up with others in your area please send an email and I will do my best to link you up: info@opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk

I can also provide PDF for flyers and new OERML cards :kiss:

Apologies for the delay in posting Part 2 of the College LAG meeting but I will get it written as soon as I have time...
(Read Part 1: 28 Jan, www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...phthalmologists.html )

Last Edit:04 Feb 2016 15:39 by admin

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  • Mark Clerkin
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Replied by Mark Clerkin on topic Harley St

Posted 09 Jan 2016 05:13 #7
Hi everyone!
I went to OE Harley Street clinic this week and stood outside handing out copies of OERML’ True Stories’ to people going in.
While there I met 2 middle aged men who can't work anymore as a result of their poor eyesight after having their eyes treated by OE. That makes me even more determined to make people aware of whats going on and I did manage to persuade one man not to have it done!
Minutes later surgeon Dimitris Kazakos came out very upset and tried to justify himself to me, but we all know he’s only concerned with filling his pockets with money.
I’ll certainly be making more appearances at Harley St and Shaftesbury Ave.

If anyone wants to join me please email Sasha with your details and I’ll contact you.
Last Edit:09 Jan 2016 11:08 by Mark Clerkin
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Replied by Mark Clerkin on topic Protest

Posted 05 Jan 2016 18:44 #8
Hi everyone, my name is Mark Clerkin and this is the first time i've posted here.
My wife Nichola had lasik surgery at Shaftesbury Ave in May 2012 and has had problems with her eyes ever since. wont bore you with the details as you've probably heard them thousands of times before, but it's so annoying to think how they fooled me and her into believing it would be so easy to get great eyesight.
I now know it was all crap they told us, but unfortunately for Optical Express I am the most determined bastard they will ever meet and nothing will stop me getting what i believe my wife deserves. I was at the 2014 OERML demonstration in Harley St, and the Bad Eye Day lobby at the House of Commons last October, and yesterday went to Shaftesbury Ave with a load of copies of OERML True Stories which I handed out in the waiting room before I was asked to leave.
Tomorrow I'm going to go to Harley St before it opens so i can warn people before they go in, and as I'm on the public pavement there's sod all they can do to stop me!
Last Edit:06 Jan 2016 00:15 by Mark Clerkin
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Replied by admin on topic Westfield and Harley Street...

Posted 13 Nov 2014 20:03 #9
What a busy day!

It started with a flying visit to Westfield shopping centre with Shabir and Jimmy B, just to say hello to everyone and hand out a few flyers.

Shabir went upstairs and gave flyers to those waiting to go into surgery and begged them not to do it.

The OE salesman (pictured facing my balloon) told Jimmy that "one of the girls" has had to have counselling because we're causing a lot of problems at Harley Street!

Poor thing! I can imagine it must be very distressing to have people with damaged eyes standing outside her workplace handing out flyers and trying to stop others risking their eyes in the same way

Then a woman almost ran past me into the store, her head down, pulling a travel case with a flight tag attached. As she was welcomed by the staff I recognised Fiona Morton, OE’s acting Head of HR, her hair now dyed black - chestnut was more flattering Fiona.

I almost expected Hugh Kerr to follow, as the pair seem to attend a lot of meetings together, including a 'stripping’ visit to Japan earlier this year.

We had little time to spare today, so we left for Harley Street, where - as we'd expected, they were expecting us. The blinds already closed and door locked!

But this rather backfired on OE as of course the customers couldn’t get in, giving us more time to talk to them!

One young woman arrived for a consultation during her lunch break, spoke to Jimmy and Shabir, then told us she was going straight back to work, without even attempting to go in.

One man arrived from Northamptonshire, suffering unresolved problems after RLE surgery 2 years ago.

He had not previously heard of OERML, and was quite angry when he heard that he was one of many with similar problems to Jimmy!

We were about to leave when we heard sirens approaching...

This time OE’s 999 call brought two plain clothes officers and one dog handler, in two vehicles (last Friday it was five officers and three vehicles). Again they were surprised to find just a few people standing around chatting, no-one even on OE premises this time!

The senior officer did his best to rescue the absurdity of the situation, said we could be prosecuted for wasting police time if they continued to be called out to us. I pointed out that as it was OE who had called them, I didn’t think so!

As usual, we explained why we were there, gave them flyers, told them to look at OERML website, and please warn anyone they knew considering eye surgery to do the same.

Unfortunately I had to cut the conversation short as I had a 2.00pm meeting scheduled across the road at the GOC. This was a very productive meeting and I will provide details tomorrow.

Interestingly, it seems that two or three people staging a low key ‘pop-up' demo upsets Optical Express far more than a high vis demo with banner and balloons, when we have no problem with police as I inform Westminster events of our plans the day before.
Last Edit:13 Nov 2014 20:03 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Westfiled Shopping Centre

Posted 08 Nov 2014 00:55 #10
Message to OE employees:

What is the name of the blonde Eastern European woman (30ish) who was working at Westfield today and told me she is a "technician"?

She told me that in the seven years she has worked for Optical Express there have been NO problems, that she ALWAYS warns patients of the possible side effects and problems. (I called her a liar)

There's more!

She had an opinion on Stephanie Holloway, and her £569K judgment...

Unfortunately for this woman, she was unaware that I was recording everything she said - including her comments about a world renowned surgeon she claimed is: "making problems" for OE.

For the record, in 2012 Optical Express paid for me to see this same surgeon, because, according to Patrick James Green, he's one of the best in the world! (recorded)

This surgeon does his best to fix the extensive problems so many Optical Express patients are left with - especially with MPlus lenses OE supply for RLE surgery (cataract surgery, sold to people who don't have cataracts)

NB: The surgeon in question is now aware of the claims made by the blonde OE "technician".

This afternoon I watched with amusement as this blonde "technician", wearing blue scrubs and cheap diamante earrings, tried to sweet talk Jimmy and sideline me.

Jimmy is a charmer, but when will these female OE employees realise, that no matter how much they flirt with him, he and I are on the same side!

Please contact me in confidence: info@opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk

Photo of Westfield Shopping mall taxi service delivering me to the escalator leading to hell (aka OE) :kiss:
Last Edit:08 Nov 2014 00:58 by admin

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