
Dr DIMITRI Kazakos aka DIMITRIS Kazakos

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Replied by admin on topic One week at Westfield

Posted 22 Jun 2023 13:38 #1
Talking to a lucky person who’d found me before going ahead with lens surgery, wanting help with getting her deposit refunded, she told me she'd been booked in with Dr Dimitris Kazakos at Westfield on 22 June - today :kiss:

I was surprised, as I'd been told he’d gone back to Greece, so I called Optical Express, claiming to be a potential victim.

Asking about DK, I was told he would be here for this week only, but fully booked up because he’s one of the best surgeons, and VERY popular!

You can imagine how hard it was for me not to burst out laughing, with so many irreparably damaged MBEF clients suing him!

However, a friend of a friend of an OE insider told me that Kazakos is returning to darken our shores three or four times a year, for one week at a time, primarily to perform a lengthy list of explants!

Meanwhile, if you’re a damaged patient, or lawyer, who's been unsuccessfully trying to contact Kazakos, you’ll find him at Westfield today, and presumably for the rest of the week!
Last Edit:22 Jun 2023 13:39 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Farewell to Dimitris Kazakos

Posted 28 Feb 2023 20:33 #2
And so we say goodbye to Dimitris Kazakos, leaving our shores next month to ruin his own countrymen’s eyes!

And I'm sure the only tears in many of his UK patient's eyes will be those caused by pain...

With Dr Jan Venter mostly enjoying life on his South African ranch for the last few years, Dimitris Kazakos has in his stead been sold to OE patients as their ’TOP’ surgeon!

Laughable really, given that he is almost head to head with David Teenan, at the top of the leader board with the most legal claims from OE patients.

And whilst I’ve lost count, Drs Teenan, Kazakos, Manu Mathew, Alex George, Muhammad Kazmi, Venter, Luca Antico, and Aasheet Desai, are probably the most regularly complained about OE surgeons to hit my inbox.*

Dimitris is an unpleasant and arrogant man, frequently using gaslighting tactics to undermine complaints from patients, quick to tell them that he’s the most experienced and expert surgeon OE have - yikes!

He told one damaged lens replacement patient recently that he didn't know what OE would do without him when he returns to live in Greece next month (leaving behind a string of equally incompetent and unethical surgeons, so not much of a bonus there for new victims!)

Kazakos left OE a number of years ago to set up on his own in London, but apparently he wasn’t getting enough customers so he crawled back to OE.

I wonder if he is in fact leaving the UK because of the incredibly high number of legal claims against him, as not only do all OE surgeons have a high excess on their medical indemnity policy, but after paying out on dozens of successful claims from damaged patients, the insurers must surely reach a point where they say no more! And without medical indemnity, a doctor cannot practice in the UK.

I have no doubt Kazakos will set up shop in his home country, bad news for any future damaged patients, as I'm unaware of any patient advocacy groups or specialist legal firms in Greece, and I don't know if eye healthcare is free.

*'Most regularly’ should not be misconstrued as being the only OE surgeons with complaints and claims against them - nearly all of them have :kiss:
Last Edit:21 Mar 2023 15:37 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Facebook conversation

Posted 22 Feb 2022 17:36 #3
This is part of an enlightening conversation in December 2021, between the arrogant Dr Dimitris Kazakos, and one of his many damaged lens exchange (RLE) patients who contacted him via Facebook messenger :kiss:

He told her she might need laser treatment, but that he couldn’t do it…

Patient: 'Oh no, why are you not doing laser in the uk anymore, when did you stop? Are you still working with Optical Express?’

DK: 'I stopped over 5 years ago. A choice for insurance purposes. Yes I am still committed to a few months a year work with OE’

Patient: 'I didn’t realise you wouldn’t be my consistent surgeon throughout this journey. Optical Express didn’t tell me any of this. The photocopied after care leaflet suggests you would be doing any laser treatment or replace the multi focal lenses with mono focals. Is this not the case?’

DK: 'What if I was to quit tomorrow?’

DK: 'If there was to be a replacement to a monofocal then it is likely to be me as I am the most experienced’ (Scary!)

Patient mentions his leaflet…

DK: 'I am not aware of what leaflet you are referring. It would be good to send me a scan to check it out’

Patient pings over leaflet scan…

Patient: 'I also haven’t seen your number 1 or 2 complications in your consultation page.’

DK: 'Yes that is my personal discharge page (not OE) that I provide to my patients advising that I am contactable for advise and reminding them the main issues after the surgery. At no point directly or indirectly say that I will be performing any of these procedures. Usually these are limited by my availability in the UK and the treatment Center location’

DK: 'This is a consultation page given to my patients by the optometrist before they meet me’.

Confuseddotcom - 'discharge page’ or ‘consultation page’? Copy/paste, so exactly as he wrote!

Patient: 'Thank you Dimitri. This was given to me after you performed my surgery. I guess that was wrong of OE to do?’

DK: 'No it was not wrong. OE doesn’t want me to speak to my parents [Lol!]. They have their own processes, and they did not approve this page. But if it wasn’t for this we wouldn’t be in contact now! And you wouldn’t know why your distance vision is blurry. I hope you appreciate this’.

Oh so appreciative, now on a long list of damaged patients suing this egomaniacal doctor, all of whom had a 'refractive surprise'! - not to be confused with an ice cream!
Last Edit:22 Feb 2022 17:37 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Dr DIMITRI Kazakos aka DIMITRIS Kazakos

Posted 25 Jan 2022 19:24 #4
I would love to have heard Dimitri Kazakos’ presentation at The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) in 2018, because dealing with ‘Dissatisfied Patients’ unarguably his area of expertise :kiss:

I wonder if ‘An Update’ included telling his audience exactly how many of his patients were dissatisfied, and how many were suing him (and Optical Express), because as the number must have doubled since 2018, methinks it's time for another update!

And I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Alan Schneider’s review, that Dimitri Kazakos considered good PR for his website (though I guess it's excellent compared to what MBEF clients have to say about him):


Because Alan was only 3 months post op, and had been asked by Dimitri to leave a review even though suffering unresolved visual problems (read in full on lasikeyecare website), I suspect he carefully worded this because he didn't want to upset Dimitri whilst still under his care - assuming he wasn't an Optical Express patient, in which case he'd be seeing optoms until his 12 months free aftercare ran out!
Last Edit:22 Feb 2022 17:37 by admin

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Replied by admin on topic Fraudulent advertising

Posted 23 Jan 2022 17:05 #5
Sandra sure gets around, her image used in adverts worldwide - though I doubt that's her real name, or that she ever had refractive eye surgery with Dr Dimitri/s Kazakos :kiss:

In fact, this image of 'Sandra' is what's called a 'stock photo'!

I used 'Google images' to search for Sandra, and found pages and pages of ads featuring her face, mostly medical providers, many of them dentists: www.google.com/imghp?hl=en

'False advertising is defined as the act of publishing, transmitting, or otherwise publicly circulating an advertisement containing a false, misleading, or deceptive statement, made intentionally or recklessly to promote the sale of property, goods, or services to the public. A false advertisement can further be classified as deceptive if the advertiser deliberately misleads the consumer, as opposed to making an unintentional mistake. Many governments use regulations to control false advertising.'

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has been made aware of Dr Dimitris' fraudulent claim, and I expect to see Sandra's fake review removed from his website soon.

It should be noted that Dr Dimitri Kazakos is not the only refractive surgeon guilty of posting fraudulent reviews!

If you missed it, go to www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...corrupt-review-sites to read fake Trustpilot reviews from 'Hazel Tyhop', bought by a number of providers, including London Vision Clinic, OCL Vision, Moorfields Private Eye Hospital surgeon Vincenzo Maurino, Focus Clinics, et al...

The fact that this industry needs to lie about their services should be enough to make anyone who is considering trusting their precious eyes to these dishonest people to think again - PLEASE!
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Dr DIMITRI Kazakos aka DIMITRIS Kazakos was created by admin

Posted 21 Jan 2022 14:21 #6
A glowing review from one of Dimitri Kazakos' seemingly satisfied customers, accompanied by this arrogant doctor’s own self-aggrandizing claims:
He is a top cataract, lens and laser eye surgeon, with a proven track record of excellent results.’


'Dimitri Kazakos - The Eye Surgeon' (his Facebook tag) has an undeserved high opinion of himself, and as someone recently said, if he were a bar of chocolate he'd eat himself :kiss:

As Dimitris* is just behind Optical Express’ Medical Director David Teenan on the leader board, competing for the highest number of legal claims from the company’s damaged patients, it seems Sandra must have been one of his luckier patients - or was she?

*Dimitris (with an 's') KAZAKOS
GMC reference no: 4682309
Last Edit:22 Jun 2023 13:43 by admin

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