
Lasik | Lasek Problems

  • Caro

Replied by Caro on topic Thousands of patients suffer surgery failure.

Posted 23 May 2015 09:58 #81
Hi Simon, I cried when I read your post as you could be talking about my own experiences and problems so I appreciate just what you are going through, although it was Optimax that trashed my eyes and life 8 years ago. I didn't try acupuncture but did try so much else to ease the pain, including cranial osteopathy, which didn't work. Optimax not only refused to pay for the osteopath and my many other related expenses, but they also wrote to my GP saying that I had seen the osteopath for something else, when in fact my GP had a report from the osteopath, so he was quite shocked by their dishonesty. I suffer from PTSD but have also become more philosophical, because the unscrupulous and dishonest people who have made so many suffer will eventually pay for what they’ve done.
Last Edit:23 May 2015 12:42 by Caro

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  • Simon5

Replied by Simon5 on topic 5.5 years lasik nightmare from optical express

Posted 22 May 2015 22:27 #82
I had Lasik surgery in 2009 having got bored with the faff of contact lenses and glasses. I had the usual initial consultation where I was told I was suitable and should 'book now' for a discount. I went for the surgery and had a gut feeling to run when I sat waiting feeling like a number in a production line in a dirty waiting room, from memory shared with dentist surgery. Sadly I didn't run and was operated on by the now infamous Joanna McGraw who I have since read about in various places including a news article in the Daily Mail in September 2014.

I am determined not to make this post too long but little did I know I had started the worst and toughest journey of my life, visiting low places that I never knew existed. Initially (1 to 6 months) I returned post op explaining my discomfort but I couldn't go in to an Optical Express after a while for the flippant way they dealt with me and I found myself in tears when I spoke about my eyes which were on my mind 24/7. I paid to see independent specialists of my own accord. I eventually found the courage to contact Optical Express again with a very frank open and emotional letter…

I got appointments through OE as a special case to see their specialists including Jan Venter in London, which was frankly insulting the way I was fobbed off… a young man who was previously a confident and outgoing person in a state of breakdown due to eye pain. My friends and family noticed my depression and eventually I was unable to function properly on a day to day basis and have spent periods on strong antidepressants and drugs for neuropathic pain since. What is wrong with my eyes… well it's mainly the left one where I remember the procedure was more painful on this side and it took multiple attempts to suction on to the eye properly....the diagnosis starts with dry eye but it's so much more complex. I have a heightened sensitivity in the left eye, changeable and unpredictable with anything from nerve pain on the eye, like an uptight tension that can spread through you radiating from the eye, or foreign body sensation, or sensitivity and dryness. It is known as corneal neuropathy or undiagnosed facial pain, or by some specialists I think see it as nothing. It is unpredictable and can break you no matter how hard you try to be positive and smile on.

It has changed me, I now accept it and realise it may never go away, however had I realised this in the first year or two it would have been too much to bear, because then I was still hopeful. There were times I took comfort in the fact that I could escape the pain if I really had to, but then I didn't want to further break the hearts of those close to me who were already heartbroken seeing how I had changed. I owed it to others and myself to fight and be positive, and I tried, but a lot of the time I failed. I am not in that dark place anymore, I have a lot of great things in my life and enjoy life. My journey has involved fighting back against the industry, trying to forgive and forget, counselling, hypnotherapy, accupuncture, massage, personal training, reducing workload and work stress, diets, eye wipe and drop routines, steam goggles, supplements, antidepressants of different types and combinations....

I am now I different and more mature person who has lost an arrogance I once had. I like to think I am a better person for it, but then maybe that's my subconscious way of accepting what's happened to my eyes. Either way I wouldn't wish such a test or journey on anyone, a problem that may never go away and get worse with age. It's an invisible disability, I take my hat off to anyone who lives with chronic pain and remains positive.

LASIK is advertised as a minor surgery which will improve your sight - and possibly your life. It is however a corrupt industry that will brainwash you and treat you badly and leave you broken without a second thought if you don't suit their statistics which they want to collect from you for their bullshit advertising.

Be thankful for your healthy eyes, I clearly didn't appreciate mine enough when I decided to have lasik!
Last Edit:23 May 2015 12:41 by Simon5

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  • Jilly Gaff

Replied by Jilly Gaff on topic Thousands of patients suffer surgery failure.

Posted 28 Apr 2015 16:34 #83
Good morning Sasha, I thought that I would tell you a little of my history with OE.

I didn't rush into it, I did my research and read reviews. It took me two years to save for the surgery, which also gave me time to really think about this life changing procedure. I trialled contact lenses and was so pleased with the difference they’d made to my sight and I couldn't wait for the surgery.

The day of the surgery (mono vision) was September 2011, an afternoon appointment and I arrived on time. I went through all the pre laser checks as one would expect and then I was taken upstairs to the laser suite, situated on the top floor of the Norwich store. I sat in the waiting area until a nurse came out wearing scrubs and went through my notes to double check that everything was in order, and said, “The surgeon may want to see you before you go in for surgery because he may not go ahead with the surgery”. This is where I could kick myself now for not asking why he may not want to proceed, but I was so nervous at the time. Anyway, I went into another room to see the surgeon (I cannot remember his name). He checked my eyes and gave the ok.

As for my eyes now, 3+ years later, I cannot go through one hour without applying eye drops. I had never used these before the surgery and had never suffered with dry eyes either. If I don't use drops my eyes become blurry and irritable and I get eye strain headaches too. I have told OE repeatedly about my dry eyes and lack of tears, but each time it's shrugged off as one of those things and age being the big excuse. I've also mentioned that when I'm out in the open air and if it's a windy day, my eyes do not water as they always did naturally protecting my eyes pre laser. I have to repeatedly yawn if drops are not available just to give relief and help me see. My left (reading eye) is the worst. Strangely though, OE have bent over backwards to provide eye drops, why would they be so generous if, as they say, it's an age thing?!

Another problem I've had throughout this ordeal is not being able to focus on people walking towards me, I'm not sure if it's because I've had the mono-vision but I’ve also told OE this who excused it by saying it's because my eyes are dry. It's embarrassing because I walk past people I know, not recognising them, unable to focus. I paid all that money and can't see. I also get ghosting when trying to read, which I explained at a number of appointments only to be told that I had a slight astigmatism. News to me as I was never told this pre surgery, by them or by any other optician in the past. I never had a problem with ghosting while trying to focus pre surgery.

August last year I thought that I'd been patient for long enough and asked for a refund because the surgery hadn't worked. No consideration on their part, just a very clear NO. However, they did offer an ‘enhancement' but I said I’d go away and think about it, because to be honest, given the past three years I was frightened to go through the surgery again. Anyway, after careful consideration I agreed and made the first appointment, one of three review appointments where each exam should be consistent with each other. This took me to 8 December 2014, the final review appointment. The appointment was arranged for 1.30pm. I always arrived 15 minutes before my OE appointments. I got to OE only to be told that I couldn't be seen until at least 2.30pm. Not happy as we'd travelled from Cromer, but anyway, we agreed to come back at 2.30pm and I saw the optician at 3pm. Half way through my appointment she sent me to another room for yet another scan, then returned to the waiting room only to be told that the optician had taken in another client for a full consultation. I was told they were working from a ghost diary hence the wait. Ok, not happy now. Assistant tells me that I can wait until the optician is free or I could go home and the optician or a member of the surgical team would call to discuss what happens next. They never did call or write.

End of February this year I sent yet another letter of complaint. Several apologies later I receive a call from the Norwich store assistant manager wanting me to arrange an appointment and go through the whole three appointment review yet again. Enough I said, I'm not happy with the way I'd been treated and I did at that point again ask for a refund. The assistant manager said that she would email ead office relaying our conversation and my not so unreasonable request. Absolutely nothing from Norwich or Head office, so I wrote another email of complaint and threatened to go to Watchdog. The same day, which was Easter bank holiday Monday, I received a call from head office, surprise surprise. Pierre was the very polite gentleman who called me, probably trying to calm muddy waters. He mentioned me going to Harley Street, but I said I was unable to make an appointment at that moment because I needed to discuss it with my husband as he would be escorting me. I asked if he could put all the details about Harley Street, surgeon etc and contact details to make the appointment into a letter, which he assured me he would, but he never did. (Although he did send eye drops.)

Here I am now, unsure whether I should have surgery and unsure whether I have the right to be angry with OE. I'm frightened to let them touch my eyes again, but on the other hand I can't leave my eyes like this. When I've spoken to them in the past they've made me feel like I'm the one being unreasonable and I'm not sure now if I am being petty.

I'm tired of it Sasha, I could cry sometimes. I truly regret having laser surgery at OE. Even if I don't get any further with OE, if I walk away from this, I do hope that my story helps other people who are considering laser surgery to rethink who they let do it. All I can say is, by all means have surgery but not with OE, save and save and have it done with someone who cares, someone who doesn't treat you like a batch number on an endless conveyor belt who's only interest at the end of the day is PROFIT.

I will keep you posted with any developments, and thank you so much for your help so far!

Jilly x B)
Last Edit:28 Apr 2015 17:29 by Jilly Gaff

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  • admin
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Replied by admin on topic Chronic dry eye symptoms after LASIK

Posted 28 Apr 2015 13:55 #84
Finally, a research paper not funded by those with a vested interest in its results :kiss:

This is a US based study recently published online, "Chronic dry eye symptoms after LASIK: parallels and lessons to be learned from other persistent post-operative pain disorders"

The introduction says, "While patients are typically satisfied with outcomes after their procedure side effects do occur, mainly in the form of unpleasant ocular sensations described as dryness, burning, and discomfort. These symptoms, regarded as components of dry eye, range in severity, but the effects on quality of life may be significant.

There is a growing literature suggesting that these manifestations of ocular discomfort, commonly described as symptoms of “dry eye,” are better understood as corneal pain

So tired of hearing the majority of surgeons claim it has nothing to do with laser eye surgery, I look forward to a similarly unbiased study of MGD!

Last Edit:28 Apr 2015 15:21 by admin

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  • CARL M

Replied by CARL M on topic Thousands of patients suffer surgery failure.

Posted 23 Mar 2015 16:59 #85
Last Edit:23 Mar 2015 17:01 by CARL M

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Australia

Posted 15 Mar 2015 07:53 #86
What the hell!?
Q: What sort of 'doctor' pours a substance into a patients eye without personally checking it themselves prior to administering it, thereby omitting a critical safety check?
A: A thoroughly lazy incompetent one who should be struck off and also face a criminal prosecution.
Last Edit:15 Mar 2015 09:41 by Mr Starburst

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  • Ozzie

Replied by Ozzie on topic Australia

Posted 15 Mar 2015 01:25 #87
It doesn't matter what the problems this devastation is happening to people all over the world :(
Last Edit:15 Mar 2015 01:26 by Ozzie

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  • CARL M


Posted 26 Feb 2015 18:49 #88
My husband Carl paid £3090 for Wavefront Intralase-Lasik eye surgery in March 2009 at Rosen Eye Clinic (owned by Optical Express) in Salford Keys. The surgeon was Mr Faqir Quazi.

He has had regular eye tests since but on his last appointment 2 years ago he was told that his distance had deteriorated and he could need glasses in the near future. We went to the Stoke on Trent store in November 2014 as his distance had deteriorated even more. The optician there suggested an enhancement and we went for tests on 28th Jan 2015 at the Manchester Deansgate Clinic. The optician told Carl his eyes were not stable and asked him to return in 4 weeks to complete the tests when he would put him forward for corrective surgery. We asked them to confirm there would be no charge for this but I received a call to say it would cost £3790 - less 20% discount!!! Strangely enough almost the full price that we originally paid. We were totally shocked!!

At the original consultation in 2009 the optomerist Jayne Owen told us he was a perfect candidate and could expect a good result. Even at the age of 58 he would not need glasses for distance again but that although his reading would initially improve in time he would need reading glasses for presbyopia with natural ageing. This he accepted but at NO point was it suggested that the distance would deteriorate at all, otherwise there would be no point in having surgery. An investment of over £3000 is not undertaken lightly and if we’d been told a 4-5 year improvement is the best that you can expect then it will have to be done again no-one in their right mind would have gone ahead.

The letter we had from OE starts with the line "Thank you for trusting Optical Express with your Laser Vision Correction procedure” !
Trust is certainly not a word I'd use. I think it diabolical that we are expected to pay again after only 4-5years of improvement. I have looked at the Terms and Conditions and nowhere does it state that the full amount needs to be paid again after a 4 year period. I am extremely angry about this and feel that we have been totally misled and mis-sold this procedure.

Anyone thinking of undertaking this procedure beware!! Save your money because you can forget aftercare!!

We indeed put our trust in OE to be sadly let down.

Jackie Milward
Last Edit:02 Mar 2015 15:01 by CARL M

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  • Kathlyn Banks
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Replied by Kathlyn Banks on topic Email sent to Optical Express Clinical Services

Posted 15 Feb 2015 15:02 #89
My name is Kathlyn and I had laser eye surgery at your Trafford centre clinic 5yrs ago. To my disappointment my eyesight has reverted back to my pre-surgery prescription and I am now forced to wear glasses again.
After traveling back to Manchester from North Wales on November 4th to be assessed I was told to come back in the new year and, as long as my eyes hadn't gotten any worse, I would be able to have the surgery again with no further charges.
I made an appointment on January 13th at the Chester branch as it is a lot closer to home. I was assessed and told my eyesight was stable and my eyes were suitable to undergo surgery once again. I was then told by the man at the desk that I would have to pay full price less a 10% discretionary discount!!! I told him what was said by the lady in the Manchester branch to which he replied that he'd need to look into it further but would call me by the end of the day. Surprise, surprise; I didn't receive a call. I called your head office but they had no details and, as the Chester branch is closed most of the time, they couldn't help but assured me I'd have a call from Chester asap. It was January 29th before I finally got hold of someone at Chester (they didn't call me!). A lady called Angela told me that I'd have to pay nearly £3k to be treated as, despite 2 of your opticians telling me my eyes were suitable, for some reason I now could only have the top rate surgery but would
need to pay full price! When I explained to her what was said previously, she said that she'd need her manager (based in the Liverpool branch) to call me. That was just shy of 2weeks ago and I still haven't heard any further!
My husband has been speaking to KC via Twitter, who is quite proud of the fact that your treatments are permanent (we know differently though, don't we?) and when pressed for more info they have said someone from your head office would be in touch. Again we've had no further contact. I'm not happy with my experience at all. I'm sure if I was a new client looking to spend £3k then my calls would be returned.
In short I would like either a) my eye surgery at no cost to myself, restoring the eyesight I've enjoyed for the most part of the last 5yrs or b) a full refund from my original surgery.

I look forward to your response,


NB: I no longer want surgery, just a refund!
Last Edit:15 Feb 2015 15:45 by Kathlyn Banks

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  • Fay Farrow

Replied by Fay Farrow on topic Thousands of patients suffer surgery failure.

Posted 13 Feb 2015 19:17 #90
When I was 21 years old, I visited the Optical Express Gateshead metro centre branch in April 2011 and met with Fiona Patterson to discuss laser eye surgery. I had all the tests required and was told the surgery would cost £2691. As I was so sick of wearing glasses and contact lenses I agreed. I visited the store on 7th April 2011 and again met with Fiona, I paid £1691 upfront and agreed to pay £100 over 10 months to cover the remaining £1000. My surgery date was then set for 29th April 2011.

I returned to the store a week or so later for post op checks and was told everything was fine, at this point my sight had improved but wasn't excellent. I made them aware of this and was advised I had to give it time to heal. I then recieved a letter to say the metro centre branch was closing and that I would have to deal with the newcastle branch in future.

I then passed my driving test in June 2012 and when driving at night I discovered bursts of light around car lights which I struggled to see past and I could hardly see the road in front of me. I made an appointment at the newcastle store approx aug 2012 and again usual eye tests were carried out. I was told there was only an issue with one eye and that it could clearly be seen that my sight had deteriorated. I was advised to make another appointment in a few weeks. I did this and again attended the appointment I had tests again and discussed the laser eye surgery, I was then told by the optician that i had only been given a standard eye test as they hadn't realised that I had the laser eye surgery. I was advised that I needed glasses with anti glare lenses to drive, I was told they only stocked designer frames and the cheapest standard set of glasses would cost £149. I asked if these would be paid for due to the high cost of the laser surgery and I was told I would have to pay for these upfront. I paid this and collected the glasses a week later. I then disputed my case and contacted the head office based in Glasgow, I was again told I wasn't entitled to a refund. I spoke to numerous people over a period of approx 6 months and eventually I recieved a cheque to reimburse me for the cost of the glasses but not the surgery!

I made another appointment at the Newcastle branch and this was with one of the surgeons in approx Nov 2012 he examined my eyes again and stated that due to my large pupils this would prevent the surgery from working correctly. I asked why I wasn't told this before the surgery went ahead he stated he didn't know. He then gave me some drops which he stated would reduce my pupil size when driving and enable me to see properly and would take away the star busts from the lights , he also gave me 2 eye discs to hold up to my eye whilst driving to see if that would work. He stated a few people had the same issue and that they were prepared to re do the other patients. I stated I was advised that my sight would deteriorate after ten years not 18 months! I went away and tried the drops and discs and surprise surprise these didn't work either.

I'm afraid to say I didn't make any more appointments as I was fed up of chasing them and going backwards and forwards for nearly 2 years. I now have to wear glasses all of the time as my sight has deteriorated so bad and as I am only 24 it can hardly be blamed on age!
Last Edit:13 Feb 2015 22:13 by Fay Farrow

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OERML & My Beautiful Eyes Foundation rely on your support to expose the horrors of this unregulated industry.

Your help is very much appreciated!
