
Royal College of Ophthalmologists | RCOphth

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Replied by admin on topic David Moulsdale to RCOphth

Posted 07 Dec 2015 18:27 #71
To mantain transparency I thought you should have the opportunity to see the “unsolicited information” from David Moulsdale that the College trustees continue to claim was the ONLY reason for my removal from the Refractive Surgery Standards Working Group.

You can decide whether you believe that when I post my summary tomorrow.

(Having read the documents I'd provided, and hearing the truth on Friday, they didn’t refer to Tweedledum’s police complaint again. Story here: 'Threats & bribes 30 Nov 2014 22:34' www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...the-truth.html#10979 )

I have always made it very clear to the College that when I first met Russell Ambrose, only 12 weeks after my eyes had been irreparably damaged, the “industry” I referred to was high street providers Optimax and Optical Express, and I supplied the College with documents supporting this fact.

Apologies if difficult to read, but for years I sadly had a thing for pink text... :kiss:

Last Edit:07 Dec 2015 19:43 by admin
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Replied by admin on topic Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Posted 07 Dec 2015 00:04 #72
A few years ago it upset me when OE anonymously posted multiple abusive comments about me online, but now it's 'sticks and stones…’ and encouraging that I’m important enough in their lives to warrant such obsessive attention!

And to know that I’ve punctured the udders of their cash cow, to the extent that they’re haemorrhaging money, that they’ve wasted in excess of a million pounds trying to silence me, gives me a warm glow!

The problem is that people DO believe me, but don’t want to be forced to take sides against corrupt businessmen with lots of money = power, and therefore they don’t WANT to listen to me.

They knew what was going on before I came along, but chose not to upset the status quo by looking any closer. This includes the government, GMC, RCOphth, CQC, and many others...

Unluckily for corrupt businessmen I am unimpressed by money, and it sickens me to see how it turns people into sycophants and flunkeys; amoral people like Tweedledum (Stephen Hannan) and Tweedledee (David Mungall) for instance, knowing the numbers of damaged patients better than I do, they continue to lie rather than give up their well paid jobs. Without any conscience they support the continuing ruination of so many people’s eyes and lives.

When you read the summary of our Friday meeting I guarantee you will be shocked, that after everything John McDonnell and I told the (cherry picked) College Trustees they still refused to reinstate me as lay rep on the Working Group!
by admin
  • Katherine Birtwistle

Replied by Katherine Birtwistle on topic Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Posted 07 Dec 2015 00:00 #73
Why do people not just listen to what you have to say and for one minute believe you?
Your fight is a long one and it must be awful to be repeatedly called a liar, but stay strong, you will win and we will all cheer you over the victory line xx
Last Edit:07 Dec 2015 00:02 by Katherine Birtwistle
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Replied by admin on topic Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Posted 06 Dec 2015 10:19 #74
NB: This post relates to the OERML Facebook page: www.facebook.com/OERML

At the RCOphth meeting on Friday, Prof Carrie MacEwen accused me of removing the 'evidence' - of my having 'belittled and condemned' the College - from my social media sites. (This will be explained in my forthcoming summary of the meeting.)

I was adamant that I had done no such thing, telling Carrie that I stand by everything I write and that she was wrong.

However. when I started writing my summary yesterday I discovered that many posts have been removed from the OERML Facebook page, including most of the history concerning my dispute with the RCOphth!

So in fact Carrie was correct when she said the posts had been removed, but incorrect in blaming me.

Although I am aware that Facebook often have glitches with links on posts, having battled with them when my first OERML page was deleted, thanks to spurious complaints from Optical Express - Facebook don't make $$££ from me - I am suspicious that there is more to it.

I've asked Facebook to investigate this but it could be a while before they respond.

Yesterday I replaced some of the posts but when I tried to backdate them they were invisible - to me at least, although some people received them on their own pages. Weird!!

I could simply repost all but it would throw out the timeline. Luckily all posts are duplicated on my mirror site and OERML website.

If new to the story you can read the history here - from 3 July: www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...ogists.html?start=40
www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003049068810 :

Last Edit:14 Sep 2022 14:26 by admin
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Replied by admin on topic Who really controls the RCOphth?

Posted 05 Dec 2015 15:25 #75
At 9.00am yesterday, accompanied by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and his Chief of Staff Seb Corbyn, I met with Council members/Trustees @ the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

I requested this meeting in October, to discuss my appointment as lay representative on the Refractive Surgery Standards Working Group in May, and subsequent removal in June, entirely due to David Moulsdale's desperate endeavours to keep me off the group:

Thanks to further attempts to silence me (not sure who's responsible this time) I have to waste valuable time this afternoon fixing the matter and am therefore unable to post details of yesterday's meeting until tomorrow at the earliest.

History below :kiss:
Last Edit:05 Dec 2015 17:01 by admin
  • Shell84
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Replied by Shell84 on topic Who really controls the RCOphth?

Posted 06 Sep 2015 13:46 #76
The Royal College are now totally discredited thanks to kowtowing to Moulsdale and proving the College is to help businessmen profit not for patients welfare. Why do they have lay advisers if they don’t listen to them?
by Shell84
  • Pandora
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Replied by Pandora on topic Who really controls the RCOphth?

Posted 06 Sep 2015 11:31 #77

admin wrote:

by Pandora
  • Shabir
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Replied by Shabir on topic Who really controls the RCOphth?

Posted 05 Sep 2015 07:45 #78
Manipulating the Royal College the way they seem to be, is not only a conflict of interest for this rogue industry, but is completely immoral. I would like to think Bruce Allan rebuked Moulsdale, but I somewhat doubt it!!
Last Edit:05 Sep 2015 13:30 by Shabir
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Replied by admin on topic Who really controls the RCOphth?

Posted 05 Sep 2015 00:01 #79
In response to my latest Subject Access Request (SAR) to David Moulsdale, earlier today I received a bundle of information from his favourite legal team Harper Macleod.

I briefly skimmed the info, not really interested as I’d only requested it to flex my muscles!

But something was nagging at me, so I took another look - and was shocked at what I found!

This is from one of the emails David Moulsdale sent to Bruce Allen, surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital and chairman of the Working Group, and begs the question, who really controls the Royal College of Ophthalmologists?

NB: Redactions are Moulsdale's and edits are mine. I'm not publishing more just yet as I'm giving all info to the press first.

Perhaps Bruce has forgotten his interview with BBC London News last year, when he criticised Optical Express (@ 2.18) and said (@3.02), "You certainly wouldn't buy a discount parachute, and so you shouldn't buy a discount laser eye surgery either!"

I sent an SAR to Bruce Allen on 24 August. He lied to me in reply, said he'd forwarded all correspondence from David Moulsdale directly to the Royal College, whereas in fact he engaged in email and phone conversations with David discussing me.

I wonder what might have persuaded Dr Bruce Allen to join Team Moulsdale?

Needless to say, I emailed Bruce this morning and again asked him to provide all info as requested.
Last Edit:07 Nov 2016 09:20 by admin
  • Caro

Replied by Caro on topic Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Posted 15 Aug 2015 08:34 #80
You were lucky to even get a reply Jane, because they didn't have the good manners to reply to my second email, which I spent some time on, pointing out some of the problems and dangers, and it was emotionally draining. I took the time because it matters to me that others are at risk, but clearly the College don't give a f**k, and I have to ask the question:

Do they care about the victims and future victims?
Last Edit:16 Aug 2015 16:14 by Caro
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